Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Photos of the Magimix and Montpellier - 27th August

Jean making another row for spinach seeds against his better judgement

Earning my day off in the city sans rubber gloves!

Our favourite coffee stop when we get to town - Place de la Comedie

The view up the Esplanade Charles de Gaulle towards Corum

Look carefully up under the tree and you'll see the Pathe Rooster

The Old Pathe Cinema

The Musee Fabre (my apologies for having no accents)

Charming garden apartments along the Esplanade Charles de Gaulle

Look closely - I warned you about the headless public art!
My apologies -the tram photos are repeated on the following page of photos. Blame it on over-enthusiasm on my part!
Just 2 Euros to park for free way outside Montpellier, and then travel all over the city on either of the two tram lines. Now that's a bargain.

The interior of the tram on the number 2 line - Jacou to St Jean de Vedas

The Montpellier trams crossing at Sabblasou on the road of grass

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